Last time we saw a first course, but a good dinner cannot end without a dessert!

Our Simona offers us one with a very simple procedure, in fact all the work is done by the Agar-agar , a vegetable gelling agent that can be useful for many vegan recipes!



- 250g of Ricotta

- 3 figs

- icing sugar to taste (depending on how sweet you want it)

- almonds for garnish

- teaspoon of honey

- 5gr of agar-agar

- A generous spoonful of SaporePuro Almond Paste

- Vanilla


You can work it by hand or in a mixer, but the initial phase is to combine the ricotta with the sugar and make it become a cream.

Add the spoonful of halfway through the operation almond paste SaporePuro , but nothing stops us from indulging in too much if our palate desires.

Now let's prepare the agar agar which we will then add to the ricotta mixture.

This product must be dissolved in a liquid (we used water, but any liquid base like milk or cream will work fine.

Since it is a vegan product because it comes from algae, you can safely use it with a vegetable milk such as soy or almond milk as long as it is liquid)

Let's bring it to the boil to activate it and keep it boiling for a few minutes. Its action will be seen during cooling.

Remember that since you are vegan you can replace the ricotta with any plant-based product such as tofu. Once the agar agar is ready, add it to the ricotta mixture and compose our paper cups that we will leave to rest for at least an hour in the fridge.

Let's move on to preparing the garnish.

In a pan, lightly toast the whole almonds, then caramelize the figs with powdered sugar and a teaspoon of honey. Remove the paper cups and garnish as desired, adding a mint leaf for a fresh touch.

Now there are no more secrets to gelling like a pro.
What would you try it with?



Dec 16, 2022

Ciao Violetta!
In questa ricetta viene utilizzata l’agar agar in polvere, non la gelatina, ma comprendo bene il tuo problema!

Mi è capitato in passato già di assistere clienti per questo genere di risultato.
Il mio consiglio è quello di avere dell’acqua tiepida, portare il tutto sul fornello fino a quando non è ben disciolta. Io utilizzo sempre un mini mixer per aiutarmi.

Ricorda sempre che addensanti possono essere “zavorrati” con dello zucchero o altri ingredienti in polvere per una maggiore dispersione e solubilizzazione :)

Vedi i tips del collega Davide nel video sul gelato!

Dec 16, 2022

ciao, ho comprato il tuo gelatin Gelatina in Polvere e non so come usarlo. Ho sempre aggiunto la polvere di gelatina all’acqua fredda e poi l’ho riscaldata, poi l’ho raffreddata e ho ottenuto una massa gelatinosa. la tua gelatina quando l’ho aggiunta all’acqua fredda è diventata un grumo. ksk per usarlo.

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